Track Dash Devlog #1

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to my new game: Track Dash.

In this game, you can jump in into a brand new racing game where you can pick out your car, track, and if you want to play with friends, public, or by yourself. This game  is a prototype to see how people will enjoy it and if this game needs more content/updates.

Note: The Game may or may not be buggy when you play it so be prepared.

Here's what is in this Game's First Iteration:

  1. Right now its just a camera following a red cube on a x and z axis on a grassy terrain 
  2. Movement:
    1. W for forward
    2. A for moving left
    3. S for backwards
    4. D for moving right
    5. Space for jumping
  3.  Camera does follow player but both player and camera  do not rotate just yet.

Here's what to come in later updates:

  1. Replacing the red cube with actual cars.
  2. Making better scripts for the car and the camera. 
  3. Eventually a Title Screen for the Game's Lobby to pick the Cars, Tracks, Settings, etc.
  4. Adding audio and a bunch more game features to make it more like a racing game.

Files 63 MB
33 days ago

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